Technique: The "Pezão Rotado" combines the strike of the traditional "Pezão Lateral" with rotation. Capoeiristas typically rotate their upper body during the execution of the kick.
Purpose: This kick is designed to add an element of surprise and variation to the basic "Pezão Lateral." The spinning motion can disorient opponents and create opportunities for attack or defense.
Execution:To perform "Pezão Rotado," a capoeirista begins to turn as if they were about to execute a standard "Armada." However, halfway through the turn, they perform the standard "Pezão Lateral" kick. This spinning motion adds momentum and unpredictability to the kick.
Power and Speed: The "Pezão Rotado" kick is known for its speed and strength. The rapid straight motion generates force that can be used to trip the opponent or deliver a significant blow.
Purpose: This kick is used for attacking the opponent. It is challenging to evade due to its speed and the fact that the kick is delivered directly. Upon impact, "Pezão Rotado" is powerful enough to strike the opponent effectively.
Challenges: Executing the "Pezão Rotado" effectively requires good balance, coordination, and timing. The rotation should be controlled to avoid losing balance and to align the kick with the target accurately.